"Sequoia is a genus in the cypress family Cupressaceae, containing the single living species Sequoia sempervirens. Common names include Coast Redwood and California Redwood (it is one of three species of trees known as redwoods). It is an evergreen, long-lived, monoecious tree living for up to 2,000 years, and is the commonly considered the tallest tree in the world, reaching up to 112 m in height and 7 m diameter at the base. There is evidence that a few Australian Mountain Ash (Eucalyptus regnans) specimens exceeded this height at the time of European settlement of Australia, but currently there are no Mountain Ash over 100 m. Certainly Sequoia sempervirens specimens are the tallest trees existing today. It is probably named after the Cherokee Indian leader, Sequoyah, though this is uncertain."
It's also the name of some hard-disk management software I've recently installed...
It's also the name of some hard-disk management software I've recently installed...

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