Thursday, July 12, 2007

"Wobberjib Whammerjib"

Wobberjib Whammerjib - 'Splodgy' James' next door neighbour in Watford (who was a little bit crazy by all accounts) used to call bacon sandwiches wobberjib whammerjibs.

Wobberjib - Sausage
Whammerjib - Sandwich

Sadly we don't know the actual reasoning or origin behind this term. However the "Wobberjib Whammerjib" has become a family tradition of the Jones family.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Mon·o·syl·lab·ic -
1.having only one syllable, as the word no.
2.having a vocabulary composed primarily of monosyllables or short, simple words.
3.very brief; terse or blunt: a monosyllabic reply.

This one is on request from Kelly and since it's her birthday tomorrow I thought it was only fair. Her comment on the word was funny how there's more than one syllable in monosyllabic, fair point.

Monday, July 09, 2007


Elongated - e·lon·ga·ted draw out to greater length; lengthen; extend.
–verb (used without object) increase in length.
–adjective Also, e·lon·gat·ed.
3.extended; lengthened.
4.long and thin.

Clearly something has been elongated lately. Can't think what. When I say it in my head over and over it sounds more like eeeeeeeeeeeeelonGAYted. I guess its when normally short things or normal things even are extended in length to be much loooooonger than normal.

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