Salubrious Favourable to health; promoting health; healthful - Conducive or favorable to health or well-being.I think you get the idea, basically healthy. My new lifestyle is this (at the moment). I think the image today is a fairly tenuous link but its the way I wanted to interpret it, so therefore its allowed.
Non related image follows, just having a little play! 
Pituitary Gland
"The pituitary gland, or hypophysis, is an endocrine gland about the size of a pea that sits in the small, bony cavity (sella turcica) at the base of the brain. Its posterior lobe is connected to a part of the brain called the hypothalamus via the infundibulum (or stalk), giving rise to the tuberoinfundibular pathway. "Mmmm tuberoinfundibular pathway. Pituitary Gland has become my word of the day because I'm sure I've heard it in a lyric.I just can't think what the song is. Any suggestions?
Gob·ble·dy·gook - Unclear, wordy jargon.That is what happens to my letter when I save it in the wrong format and open it in the wrong program. Oh dear. Bad incompatible files but what pretty patterns they make.
Google - The world wide web search engine that indexes the greatest number of web pages - over two billion by December 2001 and provides a free service that searches this index in less than a second. The site's name is apparently derived from "googol", but note the difference in spelling.Well, I have spent all day staring at the google search screen looking for one thing or another. I have now at last come to the end of my searching chores but have the logo imprinted in my retina forever.Please note the previous lack of entries from the contributors over the last few weeks, this is due to us moving house so apologies to all. Our expelling of words will continue in ernest from now on as we both have quite the backlog!
"Plastician started DJing with UK Garage aged 16, has since played on London pirate stations 2G FM and Delight FM and on Rinse Fm in 2004 . He taught himself production aged 18. His track 'Venom' was his first release on the Slimzos label in early 2002. Releases followed on labels such as Contagious, Road and Soulja in the same year, with tunes "Hard Graft" and "Pump Up The Jam" making no. 1 on the 1Xtra Garage chart. Aged 20, he started label Terrorhythm Recordings and established his name as key producer on the grime scene. In 2004, he toured the USA with Aphex Twin's Rephlex label and featured on Rephlex's 'Grime' album. Currently DJs at clubs including FWD in London, toured all over Europe, as well as Japan and USA. Plastician recently remixed M.I.A's URAQT track for XL "I've been listening to his show on BBC Radio 1's Listen Again feature...
"Caulking is a process used to seal the seams in wooden boats, in order to make them watertight. Caulking as a term has spread to the building trade, meaning the activity of closing up joints and gaps in buildings. This is mostly done with ready-mixed construction chemicals sold as caulk such as silicone, polyurethane, polysulfide, sylil-terminated-polyether or polyurethane and acrylic sealant. Unlike construction caulk, which is applied where no building movement is expected, a sealant is made of elastomeric materials that typically allow movement of 25% to 50% of the width of the joint. Silicone sealants form a durable, water-tight seal, but are not paintable."I've been fixing some plumbing. Guess what I had to use...
"Sequoia is a genus in the cypress family Cupressaceae, containing the single living species Sequoia sempervirens. Common names include Coast Redwood and California Redwood (it is one of three species of trees known as redwoods). It is an evergreen, long-lived, monoecious tree living for up to 2,000 years, and is the commonly considered the tallest tree in the world, reaching up to 112 m in height and 7 m diameter at the base. There is evidence that a few Australian Mountain Ash (Eucalyptus regnans) specimens exceeded this height at the time of European settlement of Australia, but currently there are no Mountain Ash over 100 m. Certainly Sequoia sempervirens specimens are the tallest trees existing today. It is probably named after the Cherokee Indian leader, Sequoyah, though this is uncertain."It's also the name of some hard-disk management software I've recently installed...
"The face or facial expression of a person; countenance. Appearance; aspect: "the bleak visage of winter". Derived from the Latin vsus, appearance, from past participle of vidre, to see."I'd like to think this word embedded itself while I was reading a great work of literature, I think it actually came from watching an advert for "Anti-Ageing" creams one too many times.